Rediscovering vlogging


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us all in different ways. For me, it has created a constant fear of missing out on the small moments in my life that shape me into the person I am today. It was only recently that a friend reminded me that it has been over three years since the lockdown started in Madrid. This realization made me realize how much I want to capture and cherish these moments with my loved ones.

Looking back, it is difficult to recall those small moments that make up our lives. We often remember the amount of work we have done, but not the memories we have made. I want to remember those small moments with my friends and family and cherish them just as much. That is why I have decided to embark on a new journey of vlogging, to capture and relive those precious moments.

In my first video, I take you on a journey through Madrid, exploring the city's coffee shops, visiting the famous Photo Ark exposition in Gran Via, and even enjoying a live performance of "Yo Soy Hamlet" at the theatre. This adventure is filled with great company, delicious coffee, stunning photography, and unforgettable moments. I am excited to finally share this video with you, and hope it inspires you to slow down, be present, and appreciate the small moments in your own life.

Editing this video was a joy for me, as I got to relive these memories and tell the story behind them. It was a reminder that sometimes, it's the small moments that make the biggest impact. So, sit back, relax, and join me on this adventure. Let's capture and cherish the small moments in our lives together.

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